Membership – Stay Connected

Become a Member
Dues are $45 per year payable February 1st. Renters and friends of the Mountain may obtain membership at $45 a year. The Annual Dinner and Meeting is held each year on the first Tuesday after taxes.

To join the Mt. Lemmon Homeowners Association, send a check made out to:

PO Box 699
Mount Lemmon, AZ 85619-0699

Please include your :

Address (where the Echoes will be sent)
Home Phone
Mt. Lemmon Phone
Cell/work/Alternative phone
Email Address

The MLHOA newsletter is published 10 times a year (Feb – Nov) and comes with a membership.

If you have any suggestions or comments about the ECHOES please send an email to the editor.

Advertising in the Echoes is $100 per year for 2 X 3 inch business card, $250 per year for a 1/4 page ad, and $500 for a 1/2 page ad.

Mt. Lemmon Listserv

If you would like to send and receive timely information from the Mt. Lemmon community, you can sign up to the Mt. Lemmon Listserv. Visit!forum/mtlemmonhoa/join to sign up.