Posted in Mountain Insights

MLHOA Announces Its Support for Simply Bits’ Internet Dish

The Mt. Lemmon Homeowners’ Association (“MLHOA”) today announced its Board’s unanimous support for the Simply Bits equipment located on the Mt. Lemmon Water District’s water…

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Posted in Mountain Insights

Mount Lemmon Fire Department Generator Fund

The Mount Lemmon Fire Department is on its final push to raise $40,000 to replace the 1950’s-era generator at the fire station.  A backup generator…

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Posted in Mountain Insights

Protecting Your Cabin’s Delicate Electronics from the Monsoon’s Wrath

While preparing for our much-anticipated summer storms, the we often overlook the digital backbone of our modern lives while focusing on our roofs, gutters and…

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Posted in Mountain Insights

Bighorn Fire Access to Summerhaven, Soldier Camp and Willow Canyon

Mt. Lemmon Homeowners Association PO Box 699 Mount Lemmon, AZ 85619 7-13-2020 Re:  Bighorn Fire Access to Summerhaven, Soldier Camp and Willow Canyon To ALL…

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Posted in Mountain Insights

Backup Power Options for Your Cabin

Given the prolonged power outages due to the Bighorn Fire, the ensuing loss of stored food and the fundraising efforts to replace the Fire Station’s…

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Posted in Firewise


Cheatgrass – Why its bad – What we are doing about it. Cheatgrass is a highly flammable grass that has been found on the mountain…

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Posted in Mountain Insights

Plant Information

Information for Property Owners Information on the Environment and Plants for Mt. Lemmon will be added here as time permits.  Most of the information on…

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Posted in Events

URGENT: Annual Dinner On April 21, 2020 Canceled

Due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak and corresponding drastic measures, the MLHOA is cancelling its annual dinner at the Viscount Suites Hotel.  For those who…

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